If you are using the current release of TimeValue Software products, you can download the software from the website. You will need to email or call TimeValue Software to obtain your installation password. If you are not using the current release, there may be an upgrade charge or you may need to re-instate your subscription for the annual maintenance service.
All TimeValue Software product downloads are password protected. If you are an existing customer licensed for the current version of any TimeValue Software product and need to install the software, please contact TimeValue Software customer support center at 800-426-4741 (within USA) or 949-727-1800 or email Support at support@TimeValue.com to obtain your password.
Tvalue 5 Installation Password
DOWNLOAD: https://cinurl.com/2vDC50
All TimeValue Software product downloads are password protected. If you are an existing customer licensed for the current version of any TimeValue Software product and need to install the software, please contact TimeValue Software customer support at 800-426-4741 (within USA) or 949-727-1800 Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm Pacific Time, or email Support at support@TimeValue.com to obtain your password.
All TimeValue Software product downloads are password protected. If you are an existing customer licensed for the current version of any TimeValue Software product and need to install the software, please contact TimeValue Software customer support Monday-Friday 7am-5pm Pacific Time at 800-426-4741 (within USA) or 949-727-1800 , or email Support at support@TimeValue.com to obtain your password.
Customize this function to do authentication against your internal system by using the username and password provided. Here is an example of the function customized to authenticate against a MySQL database: (some security procedures left out for clarity)
HelpSpot still requires a password for all accounts even though it's not used for your custom authentication. This is because HelpSpot will attempt to login against it's own internal authentication when your custom authentication returns false. This allows users to get into HelpSpot even if the custom function is not working correctly using their HelpSpot email and password.
To restore your HelpSpot installation follow your databases standard restoration procedure. Restore the HelpSpot files (if necessary), replace config.php or rebuild it (if necessary) and your installation should be up and running.
How you move a HelpSpot installation is dependent upon how it was initially installed. The instructions differ based on if the installation was first installed manually or via the Windows Installer. Instructions for moving both types of installation methods are provided below.
SSL for HelpSpot can be enabled on windows based installations, but it does require some configuration. This document will not cover in detail how to create a CSR or obtain certs in the proper format for Apache as this varies based on the certificate provider. This document will assume that an Apache-compatible cert, certificate chain and key have been obtained. It is intended as a general guide and the exact set up for a specific installation may vary.
The .env file on self hosted installations controls much of how HelpSpot runs at a global level. The standard settings are setup during installation but there are additional settings that can be configured if needed. All environment variables are entered into the .env file in this format: env_var_name="value"
HelpSpot templates are HTML with PHP, not an esoteric template language. This means PHP can be used within the templates themselves to call user-defined functions, includes, an other PHP constructs. This can make customizing an installation easier to allow the inclusion of templates from a main site, thereby preventing the duplication of code.
Scenario: ABC support desk wants to notify staff (via SMS notification) of requests that are due tomorrow (a custom field). Due date is only tracked for those requiring off-site work, specifically hardware installation.
HelpSpot's secondary portal system provides the unique ability to create multiple portal instances, all of which feed into a single installation. Secondary portals are ideal for HelpSpot installations that need to support distinct website domains or require custom portals for different departments, groups or brands.
File System Directory Path - The file path to the URL. This path need to be on the same server as the main HelpSpot installation or a network accessible path. This path is used to reach the /custom_templates folder for this secondary portal and include an override files in that folder.
By default the primary portal shows every public category, custom field, knowledge book and forum created in the system. In most installations this is the desired behavior, however, in some installations (typically those using secondary portals) some of those items may not be appropriate for the primary portal. For example, a knowledge book may be created which is only for the secondary portal and should not be shown on the primary portal.
Below all the installation information, Administrators will find an file upload area for the license key. Upon initial installation a license file must be uploaded. Any subsequent changes to the installation such as the purchase of additional licenses or a support renewal will also require uploading a new license file, which will be emailed to the primary contact on file with UserScape.
To put the installation in maintenance mode, Administrators must click the Enable Maintenance Mode button. Immediately the maintenance page will be presented to all attempting to access HelpSpot or the portal. Only Administrators have the ability to disable using the disable button on the maintenance page presented to Users (as shown below).
The name provided here will be used throughout the installation where the name of the desk is referenced. For example: the top left corner of the HelpSpot for logged in Users, the display name in placeholders, and on the portal.
The simple 'Yes/No' drop-down sets if the installation will offer RSS feeds for any of the filtered views. For those that opt to allow RSS feeds, they many also wish to specify a copyright/usage notice to all readers.
This is used only for those attempting to send requests between HelpSpot installations. For example, the IT and maintenance department have separate installations but have the need to send requests to each other. So no installations requests are overwritten, they can proceed each request ID with letters to identify their installation.
When installations use auto-replies for inbound messages and a message is sent to a customer that has an auto-responses set for their account, a 'loop' will occur where the same messages are continually being sent and new requests created. To prevent this from occurring, HelpSpot has a setting that defines the number of previous message that will be compared to the current (for exact body and subject) to determine if a request will be created.
Exchange 2010 Slow Delivery / Request DuplicationExchange 2010 has a new tarpit feature that forces a 5+ second delay between each email sent on a connection. This is designed to help combat spammers, however, it's often necessary for HelpSpot to send a group of emails at once and this feature of Exchange can cause problems. At the very least it slows down email sending causing the request screen to feel slow on updates. More significant issues can be seen if your installation does a lot of notification emails to staff on import as each email will have a 5 second delay between them meaning importing a single email could take a minute or more. In such cases the scheduled tasks which pull in email may end up duplicating some requests as one running of tasks.php is still going (due to the delay) while a second is initiated.
On Linux based installations recompiling PHP and making an adjustment to the IMAP source is also a possible solution. This method was tested on CentOS 5.1 and is still needed at least up to PHP 5.2.9.
On some MySQL servers during installation only some of the tables will be created. Normally when this error occurs it's about 19 tables that are created. When this occurs the screen of the installer will often turn blank white while trying to complete installation.
PHP CGI Error in IISOn some PHP installations running as a CGI on Windows IIS a CGI 502 error is received at random. This is a bug in the interaction between PHP and IIS and is not HelpSpot specific. It appears to happen most on fast servers which are under low load. One options is to run PHP as an ISAPI module. However, if you would prefer to keep it as a CGI there appears to be an effective workaround for the issue.
HelpSpot allows the Attachment Storage System to optionally save to the file system, rather than the database. If you have set the file path to a network drive (typically a path such as "\\path\to\shared\directory") and attachments are not successfully being saved, it is important to ensure proper credentials are set. If the IIS worker processes runs under a user who has permission to write to the network drive and attachments still are not saved correctly, then the Application Default settings may need to be set with the username and password of the user with permission to write to the network drive.
If you are using Microsoft IIS and install WSUS (Windows Server Update Services), you may receive an 500 error post-installation when viewing HelpSpot. This usually says there is an issue with the web.conf file, however that is a generic error message.
WSUS enables a CompressionModule, which is not compatible with HelpSpot's installation. To resolve this issue, you must disable the CompressionModule. TO do so, run the following command (taken from the previous linked article) and run it in the CMD prompt. This command will not work within PowerShell: 2ff7e9595c